Slot Seeder

Are your grass leys looking tired?
Have you been told to plough up your grass?
Here's the easy answer to rejuvenate your grassland.

Establish a new ley without disturbing the topsoil, (or burning lots of diesel!)
The Slot Seeder places grass, clover, or other seed into the ground by cutting a groove with two offset discs per slot. The seed is blown into the gap, which is then closed up by a large ballasted flat roll. The slots are spaced 70mm apart which allows the seed sufficient growth space, but also enables existing grass to survive. A single pass with the seeder is sufficient to drill a completely new ley in bare topsoil, or stitch in a new variety to an existing ley. Clover, mustard, rape, and cover crops can also be established using the same system - effectively a no-till drill for cover crops and grass!
Refresh your Grassland
Slot Seeding enables new seed to be placed into existing grass that is still in use. Ideally a period without grazing would follow the seeding, however because the seed is placed in the soil, it won't suffer from being trampled.
Clover can easily be stitched in to existing grassland.
Additionally the seed is not exposed to birds, or the weather which significantly raises chances of germination.
Simple Reliable Seeding
In the image on the right you can clearly see discs, scrapers and individual spring units that allow the machine to safely follow the contours of even rough fields without damaging the discs or interrupting the drilling process.
Drilling a 5.8metre pass, larger areas can be drilled quickly and accurately with minimum wheelings.
Ideal for Sports fields + GPS
The drilling method employed on our machine is the exact same system used by many sports field contractors, and top sports venues, for football, golf and polo pitches.
With a 95% germination rate, you can be assured a quality finish, even on grazing and cropping ground
Using a GPS unit to offer guidance ensures that nothing is missed, and on sports fields ensures straight lines and an even pitch surface.
Park up your plough!
Even if your grass is beyond help there's still no need to 'plough it up'! With the Slot Seeder, you need only spray the grass and weeds off, flail any thick vegetation, and then Slot Seed.
If your ground is very compacted then a pass with the Sward Lifter may be advisable, but the total cost will still be significantly lower than ploughing up and re-drilling. Additionally your ground will be firm enough to graze or crop as soon as the grass growth allows.
Contact us for prices and availability / timings
  1. Slot Seeding
  2. Slot Seeder

Slot Seeding

Slot seeder

Slot Seeder

Slot Seeder
  • Exclusive and Versatile Wobble-Slot Design is the best single seed placement volumetric meter on the market for planting a wide variety of seeds. Easily adjustable Parallel Linkage engineered with 10' of travel to create constant down-pressure throughout its operating range.
  • Ryan Mataway Self-Propelled Overseeder. Manufacturer: Ryan Mataway Ryan Mataway Self-Propelled Overseeder, Model: 5, Engine: Briggs & Stratton I/C Industrial Commercial 4-Cycle Engine, 10 HP, Fuel Capacity: 1.6 Gallons, Dimensions: 50' L X 35.5' W X 44' H, Approximate.

Ryan Mataway Self-Propelled Overseeder. Manufacturer: Ryan Mataway Ryan Mataway Self-Propelled Overseeder, Model: 5, Engine: Briggs & Stratton I/C Industrial Commercial 4-Cycle Engine, 10 HP, Fuel Capacity: 1.6 Gallons, Dimensions: 50' L X 35.5' W X 44' H, Approximate.

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