Occasional User Meaning

/ əˈkeɪ ʒə nlˌɪz əm /

Occasional services definition in English dictionary, occasional services meaning, synonyms, see also 'occasional licence',occasional table',occasionally',occasion'. Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition dictionary. Define occasional. Occasional synonyms, occasional pronunciation, occasional translation, English dictionary definition of occasional. Occurring, encountered, done, or taken from time to time; irregular or infrequent. See Synonyms at. Example sentences with 'occasional user', translation memory Depressant properties are more obvious in occasional users, and stimulating properties are more common in chronic users. And, occasionally, user demand CF uses a provider-pay system with occasional user-pay features (e.g. CF Management Development School CFMDS). Define infrequent. Infrequent synonyms, infrequent pronunciation, infrequent translation, English dictionary definition of infrequent. Not occurring regularly; occasional or rare: an infrequent guest. Situated or placed at rather wide intervals, as in time or space: infrequent. An occasional user is a classification of usage by an Operator ID instance for a time period, such as a calendar month, by the License Compliance facility. This facility can classify an Operator ID as an occasional user during one period but count the operator in another classification in other periods.

Occasional User MeaningOccasional User Meaning


a theory that there is no natural interaction between mind and matter, but that God makes mental events correspond to physical perceptions and actions.



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Origin ofoccasionalism

OTHER WORDS FROM occasionalism

Occasional User Meaning


Words nearby occasionalism

Occam, Occam's razor, occas., occasion, occasional, occasionalism, occasional licence, occasionally, occasional table, occasions, Occident
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2021

Example sentences from the Web for occasionalism

  • This principle was prominent in the philosophy of occasionalism, and is still by no means extinct.

    Mysticism and Logic and Other Essays|Bertrand Russell
  • Occasionalism appeared to introduce God that he might make physical matter do what it had no natural tendency to do, viz.

  • Occasionalism, or the doctrine that God is the immediate cause of all men's actions.

    Conversion of a High Priest into a Christian Worker|Meletios Golden
  • Many, alarmed at the consequences which occasionalism would seem to involve, have embraced an opposite scheme.

    Conversion of a High Priest into a Christian Worker|Meletios Golden

Occasional User Meaning Definition

  • It results from the occasionalism attributed by Dewey to the thinking process.

British Dictionary definitions foroccasionalism


Occasional User Meaning Synonyms

the post-Cartesian theory that the seeming interconnection of mind and matter is effected by God
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Occasional Employee is a person engaged to perform work or irregular assignments wherein there is no regular schedule of work and who temporarily fills in for, or supplements the work of, regular employees on an occasional employment basis.

Occasional Employee Banquets and FunctionsOccasional – generally, annual or semi-annual – functions for employees are considered business expenses when the function is intended to serve as a token of appreciation that primarily promotes employee relations/morale or that recognizes individual or group achievements, such as holiday parties, employee banquets, retirement parties, or the like.

Occasional Employee - is a person who performs work wherein there is no regular schedule of work and who places himself at the call of the Company for occasional work in meeting unusual service demands.

In the case of a Participant, other than a Temporary or Occasional Employee, a layoff (which for purposes of this Paragraph shall mean termination under a force surplus condition) on account of reduction in force does not constitute a break in continuity of Net Credited Service provided such Participant is reemployed as a Regular Employee within three years of such layoff.

A part-time Employee or an Occasional Employee is deemed to have completed 10 Hours of Service for each day in which he completed one or more Hours of Service.

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